Cattle Milk and Livestock Breeding

For the installation of a cattle farm, it is necessary to conduct a very comprehensive and versatile research and to start the business with a professional staff from the start of the business.
Cattle milk or livestock farming are an issue that requires a serious and professional approach at all stages, especially feed, healthy care and living conditions for animals, veterinary services.
Projecting is a whole. It is a process that requires the selection of the business location, determination of the starting and final capacity, yard planning and technology selection, and planning of roughage and concentrated feed production together and correctly. It is very useful for the investor to gather information and to see and monitor some businesses. However, such a study should not be done without professional contribution.
New technological and biological information emerges almost every day and requires new investments to be professionally projected.
The projecting of cattle breeding businesses is a practice that we are doing successfully and based on international knowledge. Our experience will be of great benefit in setting up your business. On the other hand, we are ready to help you to improve and grow if you have previously made investments with the same knowledge. You can also benefit from us for better management of your herd.
Whether dairy cattle or feeder cattle, if you want;
You decide. We will suggest the most successful method for you and realize the installation as turnkey.
- Our company is a company that can make qualified projects and contributes professionally at the international level.
- While doing this, our company works with many similar foreign companies and renews itself by constantly following the current developments in the world.
- Due to our structure and history, it is an organization that makes projects of enterprises, training personnel and constantly monitors the developments related to cattle breeding in the world.
This is one of the most important issues in the projects to be prepared. The most important issue in animal breeding is to ensure that the feed eaten by animal can be converted into meat or milk in the most economical way.
Regarding the production of feed crops required for dairy or feeder cattle, the planting of plants such as clover and corn, the establishment of irrigation systems, making mixed feed from these plants and using them in animal nutrition, and the preparation of feeding programs should be considered as a whole.

The most economical and suitable cattle barn is installed according to the number of animals to enter.
Animal manure that will accumulate in the barn is of great importance for the health and productivity of the animals. The interior of the barn should be cleaned from manure frequently. Systems that work properly and that do not fail should be installed inside the barn, and a manure pit and necessary equipment should be provided outside the barn. In addition, we offer projects for the evaluation of the manure taken out of the barn (organic fertilizer production). We are installing the necessary systems for this.

Fishbone Classic Milking System
In the fishbone milking system, stall bars allow the animals to be milked to stand at an angle of 30 ° in the milking place. There are double rows of zig-zag bars on each side, mounting posts and dirt traps at each milking point. It has a structure suitable for milking, with a straight door at the exits and a lame wing gate at the entrances. There is also a sliding entrance door lock and a scissor mechanism exit lock. In this way, milking proceeds in a reliable and systematic manner.
Parallel Rapid Exit Milking System
Parallel stall bars are hot dip coated and demounted. In this way, the milker can easily descend and exit the pit. There are sliding entrance doors, fast exit doors for 4 or 5 animals and butterfly doors that can turn to closed position without spring. The carcass and fittings are completely hot dip galvanized steel. There are rotating separators between the animal stalls. There is a stainless steel dirt trap on the back of the animals. The water valve connected to the drainage channel cleans the channel every time the door is opened.
Rotary Milking System
In these milking parlors focused on work efficiency, the milkers attach the milking clusters by standing at one point, and the cows come in front of the milker by moving continuously and at a constant speed on the platform. The milker can focus more safely on milking only. It does not waste time walking between clusters, platform speed can be adjusted according to the speed of the milker and the milking time, and efficiency of the cows. Uniform work routine creates a calmer environment. Performing milking procedures can be more consistent and efficient.
The milking parlor can go up to 100 stalls and the milking speed can be 600 cows/hour. Animal and milker comfort is observed on the highly durable platform.
Trolley Milking Machine
The bucket milking machine, which can milk one or two cows at the same time, is suitable for 10-15 dairy farms.
The fixed system bucket milking machine is made suitable for milking throughout the barn by adding vacuum taps to the vacuum line.
AfiMilk MPC Milk Meter (ICAR Approved)
It measures individual milk yield with deviation below 2%. This unit performs controls during the milking of the animal, measuring and notifying the milk yield, milk flow rates related to milking, milking time, electrical-conductivity values of the milk. Measured values are transmitted to the computer system via online data line. In addition to all these information, numerical data such as the day of the milking period, the period of milking, herd number, group number, expected and measured milk yields, conductivity values can be displayed on the user’s screen.
Identification System
The identification system consists of an antenna, ideal control panel, antenna connection panel, pedometer, pedometer belt, pedometer buckle and electronic computer card, together with AfiFarm software where you can check information.
AfiLab Individual Online Milk Analyzer
It measures the number of fat, protein, lactose, urea, blood, and somatic cells that it contains by analyzing the milk of each animal during milking without taking a sample, depending on each milking point.
AfiMilk Pedometer
The pedometer (electronic label) that should be attached to each brood animal is used both to identify the animal by the system and to determine the mobility of the animal by measuring the number and duration of the animal’s bed during the day. AfFarm software, where you can access this information, gives you access to information about animal welfare.
Sorting Door and Weighing System
AfiWeight Weight Measurement
The AfiWeight weighing device automatically measures the live weight of the animals and saves them to the herd software. Particularly, changes in body weight during the postnatal period allow the interpretation of whether the animal has ketosis in this critical period.
AfıSort Sorting Door
With the AfiSort module integrated into the Afimilk herd management program, it is possible to sort the animals that meet the specified criteria in the desired direction or room. In this way, you will have the chance to sort your diseased animals.
We cooperate with the 103-year-old DEKKER farm with TETA guarantee for the breeding of black and red breeds, and we offer quality pregnant heifers selected from Europe’s most prestigious cattle exporters.

Supply of all kinds of consultancy, zootechnicians, and veterinarians for your business.